Stabilize Your Core with the SURGE® Storm

Stabilize Your Core with the SURGE® Storm

Everyone loves a core challenge! Core stabilization may not sound incredibly exciting, but it is actually one of the most important aspects of a total fitness program. A strong and stable core allows you to maintain good spinal and pelvic alignment of the body while performing sports, fitness activities and daily tasks. 


The SURGE® Storm is a terrific piece of exercise equipment to help develop core strength and stabilization, and the bonus is that while focusing on your core, you’ll get a total body workout!


Perform 1 set of these three exercises for 8 – 10 controlled reps, then progress to 2 – 3 sets with a short recovery between each set.


SURGE® Storm Overhead Core Brace


Trying to keep the body balanced is a challenge as everyone has habits that tend to dominate one side of the body. In this exercise we will first acknowledge where the imbalance exists then challenge the non-dominant side to fire. Working with the SURGE® Storm will allow us to easily see and feel imbalances as the water will move and shift when the body is out of alignment.



Start lying on your back on a mat, holding the SURGE® Storm by the neutral handles.  


Movement Variations

  1. Feet on the floor. Lift the SURGE® Storm to chest height with arms extended. Start to move it back over the head while keeping the water quiet. The challenge here is to keep the water from moving side to side, along with keeping the lower back stable on the mat. 
  2. Table top legs to challenge lumbo-pelvic stability. Lift the SURGE® Storm to chest height with arms extended. Start to move it back over the head while keeping the water quiet.  
  3. Legs lifted and extended as far as neutral spinal position can be maintained. Lift the SURGE® Storm to chest height with arms extended. Move the SURGE® Storm back over the head while keeping the water quiet.  



SURGE® Storm Core Twists


The SURGE® Storm brings a unique challenge to traditional Russian Twists as it introduces water as resistance. The water quickly shifts position, which makes the core muscles react and deliver stability in an amazingly new way!  


Start seated on the floor with knees bent and feet on floor. Hold the SURGE® Storm by the neutral handles and bring it to a horizontal position at eye level.  


Movement Variations

  1. Keeping the hips equally weighted on the floor, slowly move the SURGE® Storm from the horizontal position to a vertical position on one side, turning the torso slightly to the same side. The goal is to move slowly so that the water oscillates or moves continually. Alternate the twist slowly and smoothly from side to side.
  2. Quickly take the SURGE® Storm from the horizontal position to a vertical position on one side, dumping the water while turning the torso slightly to the same side. Return quickly to the center where the SURGE® Storm is horizontal and stable. Alternate from side to center to side, with a pause in each position.
  3. Quickly take the SURGE® Storm from a vertical position on one side to vertical on the opposite side, without stopping in the middle.



SURGE® Storm Hip Lifts


Strengthening the back side of the body is key to good posture. The beauty of using the SURGE® Storm for resistance in this exercise, is having the water as a level to see and feel where there are imbalances in the body.  



Start supine on the mat, knees bent and feet on the floor, with the SURGE® Storm resting across the hips. Place the hands in a wide grip on the end caps of the SURGE® Storm.  


Movement Variations

  1. Lift the hips off the floor into a bridge while keeping the water quiet and balanced side to side. Lower and lift hips slowly, maintaining stability and balance. 
  2. Lift the hips off the floor and hold the bridge. Keep the hips lifted as you alternate kicks, maintaining stability and balance.
  3. Lift the hips off the floor and hold the bridge. Keep the hips lifted as you extend one leg, then lift and lower that leg 4x, maintaining stability and balance.


Nico Gonzalez is a Master Trainer for SURGE® , Balanced Body® and BOSU® , and the owner of Fitness Physique in Cincinnati, Ohio.


Learn, train and engage with other fitness professionals at SURGE® Live Education courses. For information on our cutting edge content, taught by the best in the industry, click HERE.

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