BOSU® Personal Trainer of the Year

BOSU® Personal Trainer of the Year
Camden Crane is your BOSU® Personal Trainer of the Year. Camden is a certified NASM Personal Trainer with specializations in TRX, Spartan Races, Bootcamps, Active Aging, Sports Performance, and more. She has served in places such as Bolivia, Kenya, Japan, and more -and after living in Ethiopia for 4years she brought her passion back to the USA and developed her business to empower communities through movement! This same passion extends to her clients and those in her community. She owns her own coaching business called C3Fit. Camden is also known as Wonder Woman to her clients, this is because she battles an auto-immune system disease and has a pacemaker nicknamed The Wonder Pulse, but still kicks butt in the gym and maintains a positive attitude despite her circumstances. The motto she lives by is OMMS – Obstacles Make Me Stronger. She attributes her success to her ability to empathize and have compassion for her clients. If you would like a virtual session with Camden please reach out to:
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